Geographical Location: Komiteh village, Shahid Hashemi Highway, Tehran
Number of Children: 40
Library Manager: Zahra Abbasi
Start Date: Fall 2020
Supporter: Saeed Bahremand

The cabin library of Komiteh village was equipped in summer 2020. The library was programmed to be opened in October 2019, but it was postponed due to the outbreak of Covid-19 in Tehran. The library is set up at the request of the village management and with the financial support of Mr. Saeed Bahremand.

Komiteh is a village in Rey county, near Tehran, with the population of about 1200 people (230 to 250 households) and with more than 200 children under the age of 10. Read with Me library is the first and the only cultural environment in the village.

The cabin library is 12 meters long and 3 meters wide. More than 400 books, handbooks and special packages for the setting of Read with Me libraries were send to this library.

In 2021, when Covid-19 pandemic was relatively controlled in Iran, the library had the chance to increase its activities. Having noticed the shortcomings of the cabin library, Read with Me Fan Club managed to facilitate children’s access to the library by equipping it with an air conditioner, a heater and carpeting. Also, 219 books were sent to the library in this year.


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