
World Kamishibai Day 2020: celebrating at home

December 7th is World Kamishibai Day. The COVID19 pandemic has restricted children’s access to libraries. Even so, Read with Me promoters and Kamishibai enthusiasts across the world still celebrated this day and performed kamishibai for children. Most…

World Kamishibai Day Pictorial Report

World Kamishibai Day Pictorial Report This year, reading promoters and enthusiasts accepted the invitation to World Kamishibai Day. By performing kamishibai and follow-up activities, they celebrated this occasion alongside the rest of the world. Alongside…

Kamishibai, an incentive to learning about living values and environment

Kamishibai, an incentive to learning about living values and environment This October, Mehr-o-Mah Empowerment Center performed the kamishibai “Lemon Tree and the Forelock Bird” for children. Through the follow-up activities, children’s…

World Kamishibai Day Invitation

World Kamishibai Day Invitation The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature invites Iran’s teachers, tutors, librarians, promoters and parents to celebrate December 7th (World Kamishibai Day) by performing Kamishibai…

Institute for Research on History of Children’s Literature joined IKAJA

This year, the Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature Joined the International Kamishibai Association of Japan (IKAJA). IKAJA is Japan’s largest kamishibai association. It was established in 2001 to do research on…