Yazd Abad

Geographical Location: YazdAbad, Isfahan City
Age-group: Preschool
Number of Children: 60
Number of Teachers: 2
Start Date: Summer 2012
End Date: Autumn 2015

Read with Me project has been implemented in Yazd Abad since July 2012. The plans were carried out by two teachers for 50 preschool students every Thursday in Raha kindergarten in two separate classes. The number of children participating in this program increased up to 70 in 2013 and ultimately 60 children participated in these sessions. Organizing Group Reading for 20 mothers and establishing a library of books sent by Read with Me are the achievements of the program in this area.

Through this project, children have developed their social, cognitive and language skills. The focus of the project towards living values has also made children cooperative and respectful.

In summer 2014, Learning Phonological Awareness Skills sessions were held for 10 children in this center.

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