Litter cleanup in MahmoudAbad village by children in cultural center
On Monday, 6 June 2016, on the occasion of World Environment Day (5 June), children from MahmoudAbad Cultural Center participated in litter pickup event in this village. In this event which was held to promote environmental culture, about…

Children in MahmoudAbad celebrated end of academic year
On Friday, 27 May 2016, end of academic year and end of Read with Me course in this year was celebrated in Supportive Education Center of MahmoudAbad in the presence of children, mothers, tutors, RWM experts and some guests. 45 preschoolers,…

”Memorials of Reading with Each Other” Photography Competition in Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Company
Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Library has invited families to take pictures of pure moments of reading with their children and take part in “Memorials of Reading with Each Other” Photography Competition in order to encourage and promote reading.