An Introduction to Read with Me project in Käpt’n Book 2016
Read with Me Project was presented in “Käpt’n Book” reading festival in Bonn, Germany.Käpt’n Book Reading Festival was held on 5-20 November 2016 in Bonn, hosting different authors of children books and holding a book exhibition.…

Workshops with children in Tehran and Isfahan by Marit Törnqvist
Marit Törnqvist the illustrator of Astrid Lindgren’s “Red Bird” and “Bigger than a Dream” by Jef Aerts, who have traveled to Iran to participate and lecture in Read with Me conference, held workshops for different groups of children…

The first Read with Me conference was held
On 10-11 November 2016, the first two-day Read with Me Conference was held with reading promoters and activists in the field of children’s literature at the conference hall of National Library and Archives of I.R. of Iran.
The purpose of…

A report from a round table: ”Reading Promotion in the world: Experiences from Sweden, Netherlands and Iran”
The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature held a roundtable on the subject of “Reading Promotion in the world: Experiences from Sweden, Netherlands and Iran”, with Marianne von Baumgarten – Lindberg, children’s…