Moallem Kalayeh

Geographical Location: Moallem Kalayeh Villages, Qazvin Province
Age-group: Elementary School
Number of Children: 230
Number of Teachers: 15
Start Date: October 2016
End Date: June 2017

In 2016-2017, the “Read with Me” was implemented in the rural areas of Moallem Kalayeh with the support of Sogol and Sogand Mafi in the memory of their parents, Ms. Masoumeh Sohrab and Mr. Yahya Mafi, the founders of Children’s Book Council and Mehran Educational Complex. Overall, 230 primary school children were covered in 15 rural schools.

In October 2016, “Read with Me” workshops were held with the participation of 31 teachers from 16 nearby villages. Participants were introduced to Children’s Literature, Quality Books, Reading Aloud, Book-related Activities, Dramatic Arts and Basic Literacy improvement through Literature.

Due to the snow and impassable roads in the winter, the “Read with Me” team of experts first visited the schools for evaluating the program’s process in March and April 2017.

Teachers believe that the program has had a significant impact on children’s intellectual development and creativity. The minds of children have become more active and the program has been beneficial for weaker children. It has solved educational problems such as reading disfluency.

In the fall of 2017, “Read with Me” entered another stage with the establishment of Yahya Mafi library in Moallem Kalayeh. Students have shown great enthusiasm in borrowing “Read with Me” books.