Geographical Location: Shahuzehi Elementary School, Varou Village, Zahedan, Sistan & Balouchestan Province
Number of Members: ۳۵
Start Date: May 2018
Tejaratchi Family

Shahuzehi Read with Me Library was established in Varou Village in May 2018 by the supports of Tejaratchi family. This library was initially set up with more than 200 books along with activity sheets and handbooks. Shahuzehi Library is the only cultural center of the village located in a room owned by the now-retired education office administrator of Zahedan nomads.

The librarian is also the teacher-principal of Shahuzehi Elementary School. He has participated in Read with Me workshops on read-aloud techniques, basic literacy and librarianship. He seeks children’s cooperation in running the library. Yahya and Osman are two teenage librarians who love reading. They have read all the books in the library themselves and lend and read books to younger children.

Read-aloud sessions are held regularly inside the library, in a black tent nearby or next to a pool of water in the village. Books have been able to create a world of childhood dreams for children of Varou and surrounding villages. To the extent that children cross difficult roads and mountains just to borrow books from this library.

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