The Supportive Education Center of MahmoudAbad

Geographical Location: MahmoudAbad, Shahr-e-Rey
Number of Children: 170
Number of Library Members: 240
Age Group: 0-14 (In different age groups)
Number of Tutors: 9 tutors and a librarian
Start Date: February 2015
In Progress

The Supportive Education Center of MahmoudAbad, in an old deprived neighborhood of Tehran joined “Read with Me” in February 2015. It is one of the most successful “Read with Me” centers in the marginal areas of Tehran. In this center, preschoolers are covered by the “Read with Me” program and benefit from free creative education in basic literacy, Reading Aloud sessions and book-related activities.

In July 2015, the child-centered library of the center was established by the supports of a number of benefactors. It has 240 members. This library serves children and teenagers of the neighborhood and working families of MahmoudAbad brick kilns.

In the preschool and kindergarten of the Supportive Education Center of MahmoudAbad literacy enhancement programs are implemented through “Learning Numeracy Skills” and “Learning Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Skills” packages. Moreover, several weekly Reading Aloud sessions and related activities are held. The trained instructors of this center have been able to help children grow dramatically in cognitive and emotional areas with their professional and compassionate work.

Currently, the activities of the Supportive Education Center of MahmoudAbad and its library are continuing with great interest and creativity for various age groups.

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