
Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan library members received book reading Competition prizes

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Prizes for book reading competition - Read with Me in SazvarSazeh Azarestan - May 2016Prizes for book reading Competition “The Book I Like Most” were awarded to children in Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan workers’ families on 1 May, International Workers’ Day.

The objective of this Competition was to promote book reading among children and to encourage families to read books with their children and it was held since 22 December 2015 to 17 March 2016 in Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Company and Head Office in Tehran. In this Competition, RWM experts chose lists of books from the quality books in the library for different age-groups and they asked children and adolescents and their families to borrow these books from the library and vote for their favorite books and write the reasons.

For the final selection, evaluation forms were prepared for different age-groups from 0 to 17 years old. In March and April, these forms were collected by the librarian and everyone who had read all the books and had expressed his or her point of view in a clear and right way was in the winners list. So after checking all the evaluation forms by the institute’s expert, 65 children from 0 to 17 years old were justified deserving for prizes among 105 children.

Prizes for book reading competition - Read with Me in SazvarSazeh Azarestan - May 2016 Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Book Reading Contest Poster - Jan 2016

On 1 May, International Workers’ Day, the prizes for children were delivered to their fathers by the company. Also an official staff was appreciated because of his companionship of Read with Me project since its beginning.

A father takes book reading competition Prizes for his children - Read with Me in SazvarSazeh Azarestan - May 2016 Fathers take book reading competition Prizes for their children - Read with Me in SazvarSazeh Azarestan - May 2016

RWM experts and Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan and Omran Azarestan Construction Company authorities hope to develop book reading culture between families by implementing such programs.

Read with Me project was started in Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Company since 2014 and since October ۲۰۱۵, Sazvar Sazeh Azarestan Library has started its activity with more than 4000 quality books in a new space and all the workers and employees can choose and borrow their children’s necessary books by librarians and experts consultation at this library. In addition to books for children and young adults, there are books for parents on the subjects like Psychology, Education and Training and Reading Promotion in this library.

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