Geographical Location: Dolati Moghaddam School, Sampir Village, Sistan & Balouchestan Province
Members: 50
Start Date: December 2018
Supporters: benefactors

Dolati Moghaddam School Library is located at a nomadic village in Zahedan. It was established in December 2018 by the Read with Me team with more than 400 books along with handbooks and activity sheets. Its establishment was made possible by the endeavors of the former teacher of the school and her family.

Prior to this Read with Me library, the village had no cultural center. But now, students and the rest of the village population can benefit from the services of this library and participate in its read-aloud sessions.

The Read with Me program has been implemented in Dolati Moghaddam school since 2017. The school authorities believe that children’s cooperation, sense of responsibility and social lives has improved greatly since the establishment of the library.

The current school teacher has been holding weekly read-aloud sessions in the library and also in open air. She also lends books to a school in a nearby village. Students cooperate in lending books as well.

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