nomadic student of Kuhdasht

The #nomadic #student of Kuhdasht is going to perform "The Wise Rabbit" Play in Read With Me program. #kuhdasht #lorestan #children #reading_promotion
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Liz Page the IBBY executive director visited several read with me libraries

Liz Page the IBBY executive director visited several read with me libraries in South and marginal parts of Tehran where the children had art activities and drama after reading books.
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Liz page, the IBBY executive director visited one of the Read with me cabin library

Liz page, the IBBY executive director who recently has traveled to Iran, visited one of the Read with me cabin library in Ashraf-abad one of the marginal place around Tehran, where mostly refugee Afghan children live. This small library has…

The second Read with Me conference and Jabbar Baghcheban Award

The Institute for Research on the History of Children’s Literature will hold the second biennial Read with Me conference and Jabbar Baghcheban Award in November 2018 in the Treasure Hall of the National Library and Archives of I.R. of Iran.…
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the third time Read with Me is nominated to ALMA

It is the third time Read with Me is nominated to ALMA. This time by four national and international organisations: Children's book council of Iran, ILA, IBBY Switzerland and IBBY Flanders. here you can find the list of nominees: