International Day of Peace: activities in a Read with Me center

On the International Day of Peace, tutors at Mehr-o-Mah Empowerment Center shared the books “Little Blue and Little Yellow” and “How to Heal a Broken Wing” with children.

Peace is a living value. Peace is a universal concept. When we talk about peace, we inevitably talk about other living values as well. Making peace with others needs compromise. It needs love, friendship and cooperation. It needs respecting differences. Peace needs the understanding that each of us are unique and at the same time responsible regarding the society. Peace brings personal happiness and satisfaction in individuals as well.

These universal concepts and living values are characteristic of every quality book. They are intricately interwoven in the storylines. These books are great opportunities to have dialogue about living values with children.

Below, you can a short report from Mehr-o-Mah Center:

Little Blue and Little Yellow


Location: Mehr-o-Mah Empowerment Center, Tehran
Date: 20 September 2020
Age Group: Preschool
Book: Little Blue and Little Yellow

Before reading, together with the children, we talked about the concept of peace. We showed the symbol of peace and then showed them the book cover. We asked them to tell us what they see on the cover. They pointed out the colors blue, yellow and green. Then we asked them to guess the book title. “It’s the book of paintings!”, some guessed.

We read the author, translator and illustrator names and shortly reminded children of what each of them do.

Then the read-aloud began.

After the read-aloud, we divided children into three groups to ensure safer social distancing. We put on some music and children started painting the ground using fingerpaint. Yellow, blue and green after mixing the two colors together.

In another activity, children drew their hands on paper, cut it out and pasted it around a globe.

As the final activity we asked children to embellish a dove as the symbol of peace.

How to Heal a Broken Wing

Location: Mehr-o-Mah Empowerment Center, Tehran
Date: 20 September 2020
Age Group: Preschool
Book: How to Heal a Broken Wing

Before reading, we asked children to take deep calming breaths. Then we introduced them to the symbol of peace and had conversations about it. We showed them the book cover and asked them to describe what they see, guess the story and the book title.

During the read-aloud I asked:

How can we help birds?

What do birds eat?

How can we take care of birds in winter, when the weather is cold?

Children gave cute answers. One of them believed that birds cover themselves with blankets so that they stay warm in winter!

After reading, we talked about birds, their physical appearance, their feathers, food, etc. Then we gave each a drawing of a bird and asked them to cut it out and make their own birds of peace.


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