Geographical Location: Elmi Street, Abuzar Street, Qale Morqi Street, Qazvin Street, Qazvin Square, Tehran
Telephone: 02155742262, 02155704432
Start Date: Winter 2020
Supporter: Mr. Bavili
Torkamani Nursery was founded in 1974. Nowadays it is home to children aged between zero and six years old. The number of the children in the nursery is up to a hundred and the nursery is divided into four different parts; Infants, babies, toddlers and children.
After Read with Me’s successful experiences in other nurseries such as Roqayeh and Ameneh, they decided to vast their activities and projects among reading with infant and toddlers.
In December 2019, “Reading with Infants and Toddlers” workshop was held for 3 of the nursery’s teachers and 18 volunteers who work in this place. In winter of 2020 a room was given to the Read with Me Decorating team and it was transformed into a child-centered library for the use of the children of the center.
Volunteers and teachers take the time through out the week to read aloud to children and infants of this center.
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